Scepanotrocha simplex, the stomach is filled with food pellets. Specimen from (1), whirling. In contrast to the dent in the sulcus of Scepanotrocha simplex this morphotype has a tongue-like thickening between the trochal columns (see images below). |
Scepanotrocha simplex: when creeping the whole body is covered by a peristaltic movement going forwards and backwards, which I haven´t observed in other rotifers. The food pills are moved like going through a funnel, which bears resemblance to the movement of the colorless Euglenoid flagellate Astasia klebsii.(1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex: 4 aspects of the head: upper left: the upper lip consisting of two parts (artificially coloured cyan and magenta). Both parts are clearly located above (dorsally) the trochal columns. Upper right : same specimen, focal planes on the trochal columns. Lower left: focal plane on the trophi and ventral cilia of the corona (ventral view). Lower right: rostrum with lamella and cilia while creeping.(1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex: 2 aspects of the foot with spurs and 3 toes.(1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex: ramate trophi with dental formula (DF) 10/10. (1) |
Location: Aneboda, Sweden (1) |
Habitat: Sphagnum (1) |
Date: 18+20.02.2014 (1) |
Identification by courtesy of Nataliia Iakovenko, University of Ostrava, Czech republic. |